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Hello! I’m Joel and this my personal website built with Jekyll! I currently work at Nvidia. My interests are scheduler, RCU, tracing, synchronization, memory models and other kernel internals. I also love contributing to the upstream Linux kernel and other open source projects. In prior jobs, I worked at Google, Amazon and TI.

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    Linux Spinlock Internals

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    This article tries to clarify how spinlocks are implemented in the Linux kernel and how they should be used correctly in the face of preemption and interrupts. The focus of this article will be more on basic concepts than details, as details tend to be forgotten more easily and shouldn’t be too hard to look up although attention is paid to it to the extent that it helps understanding.

    Fundamentally somewhere in include/linux/spinlock.h, a decision is made on which spinlock header to pull based on whether SMP is enabled or not:

    #if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK)
    # include <linux/spinlock_api_smp.h>
    # include <linux/spinlock_api_up.h>

    We’ll go over how things are implemented in both the SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processor) and UP (Uni-Processor) cases.

    For the SMP case, __raw_spin_lock* functions in kernel/locking/spinlock.c are called when one calls some version of a spin_lock.

    Following is the definition of the most basic version defined with a macro:

    #define BUILD_LOCK_OPS(op, locktype)                                    \
    void __lockfunc __raw_##op##_lock(locktype##_t *lock)                   \
    {                                                                       \
            for (;;) {                                                      \
                    preempt_disable();                                      \
                    if (likely(do_raw_##op##_trylock(lock)))                \
                            break;                                          \
                    preempt_enable();                                       \
                    if (!(lock)->break_lock)                                \
                            (lock)->break_lock = 1;                         \
                    while (!raw_##op##_can_lock(lock) && (lock)->break_lock)\
                            arch_##op##_relax(&lock->raw_lock);             \
            }                                                               \
            (lock)->break_lock = 0;                                         \
    }                                                                       \

    The function has several imporant bits. First it disables preemption on line 5, then tries to atomically acquire the spinlock on line 6. If it succeeds it breaks from the for loop on line 7, leaving preemption disabled for the duration of crticial section being protected by the lock. If it didn’t succeed in acquiring the lock (maybe some other CPU grabbed the lock already), it enables preemption back and spins till it can acquire the lock keeping preemption enabled during this period. Each time it detects that the lock can’t be acquired in the while loop, it calls an architecture specific relax function which has the effect executing some variant of a no-operation instruction that causes the CPU to execute such an instruction efficiently in a lower power state. We’ll talk about the break_lock usage in a bit. Soon as it knows the lock is free, say the raw_spin_can_lock(lock) function returned 1, it goes back to the beginning of the for loop and tries to acquire the lock again.

    What’s important to note here is the reason for keeping preemption enabled (we’ll see in a bit that for UP configurations, this is not done). While the kernel is spinning on a lock, other processes shouldn’t be kept from preempting the spinning thread. The lock in these cases have been acquired on a different CPU because (assuming bug free code) it’s impossible the current CPU which is trying to grab the lock has already acquired it, because preemption is disabled on acquiral. So it makes sense for the spinning kernel thread to be preempted giving others CPU time. It is also possible that more than one process on the current CPU is trying to acquire the same lock and spinning on it, in this case the kernel gets continuously preempted between the 2 threads fighting for the lock, while some other CPU in the cluster happily holds the lock, hopefully for not too long.

    That’s where the break_lock element in the lock structure comes in. Its used to signal to the lock-holding processor in the cluster that there is someone else trying to acquire the lock. This can cause the lock to released early by the holder if required.

    Now lets see what happens in the UP (Uni-Processor) case.

    Believe it or not, it’s really this simple:

    #define ___LOCK(lock) \
      do { __acquire(lock); (void)(lock); } while (0)
    #define __LOCK(lock) \
      do { preempt_disable(); ___LOCK(lock); } while (0)
    // ....skipped some lines.....
    #define _raw_spin_lock(lock)                    __LOCK(lock)

    All that needs to be done is to disable preemption and acquire the lock. The code really doesn’t do anything other than disable preemption. The references to the lock variable are just to suppress compiler warnings as mentioned in comments in the source file.

    There’s no spinning at all here like the UP case and the reason is simple: in the SMP case, remember we had agreed that while a lock is acquired by a particular CPU (in this case just the 1 CPU), no other process on that CPU should have acquired the lock. How could it have gotten a chance to do so with preemption disabled on that CPU to begin with?

    Even if the code is buggy, (say the same process tries to acquires the lock twice), it’s still impossible that 2 different processes try to acquire the same lock on a Uni-Processor system considering preemption is disabled on lock acquiral. Following that idea, in the Uni-processor case, since we are running on only 1 CPU, all that needs to be done is to disable preemption, since the fact that we are being allowed to disable preemption to begin with, means that no one else has acquired the lock. Works really well!

    Sharing spinlocks between interrupt and process-context

    It is possible that a critical section needs to be protected by the same lock in both an interrupt and in non-interrupt (process) execution context in the kernel. In this case spin_lock_irqsave and the spin_unlock_irqrestore variants have to be used to protect the critical section. This has the effect of disabling interrupts on the executing CPU. Imagine what would happen if you just used spin_lock in the process context?

    Picture the following:

    1. Process context kernel code acquires lock A using spin_lock.
    2. While the lock is held, an interrupt comes in on the same CPU and executes.
    3. Interrupt Service Routing (ISR) tries to acquire lock A, and spins continuously waiting for it.
    4. For the duration of the ISR, the Process context is blocked and never gets a chance to run and free the lock.
    5. Hard lock up condition on the CPU!

    To prevent this, the process context code needs call spin_lock_irqsave which has the effect of disabling interrupts on that particular CPU along with the regular disabling of preemption we saw earlier before trying to grab the lock.

    Note that the ISR can still just call spin_lock instead of spin_lock_irqsave because interrupts are disabled anyway during ISR execution. Often times people use spin_lock_irqsave in an ISR, that’s not necessary.

    Also note that during the executing of the critical section protected by spin_lock_irqsave, the interrupts are only disabled on the executing CPU. The same interrupt can come in on a different CPU and the ISR will be executed there, but that will not trigger the hard lock condition I talked about, because the process-context code is not blocked and can finish executing the locked critical section and release the lock while the ISR spins on the lock on a different CPU waiting for it. The process context does get a chance to finish and free the lock causing no hard lock up.

    Following is what the spin_lock_irqsave code looks like for the SMP case, UP case is similar, look it up. BTW, the only difference here compared to the regular spin_lock I described in the beginning are the local_irq_save and local_irq_restore that accompany the preempt_disable and preempt_enable in the lock code:

    #define BUILD_LOCK_OPS(op, locktype)                                    \
    unsigned long __lockfunc __raw_##op##_lock_irqsave(locktype##_t *lock)  \
    {                                                                       \
            unsigned long flags;                                            \
            for (;;) {                                                      \
                    preempt_disable();                                      \
                    local_irq_save(flags);                                  \
                    if (likely(do_raw_##op##_trylock(lock)))                \
                            break;                                          \
                    local_irq_restore(flags);                               \
                    preempt_enable();                                       \
                    if (!(lock)->break_lock)                                \
                            (lock)->break_lock = 1;                         \
                    while (!raw_##op##_can_lock(lock) && (lock)->break_lock)\
                            arch_##op##_relax(&lock->raw_lock);             \
            }                                                               \
            (lock)->break_lock = 0;                                         \
            return flags;                                                   \
    }                                                                       \

    Update: Further clean up of break_lock has happened in this patch. If caller needs to know if lock is contended, they can do so directly by using arch_spin_is_contended. So there’s no longer a need for the break_lock variable in the lock structure.

    Hope this post made a few things more clear, there’s a lot more to spinlocking. A good reference is Rusty’s Unreliable Guide To Locking.